Update On Weekend Services
Next weekend, June 6th/7th, Redeemer church services will continue to be held online with Pastor Mike. Our Saturday service will be at 6pm and Sunday services at 9am and 11am. Each of these services will be available on our online platforms.
In addition to our main online services with Pastor Mike, our campus pastors will be hosting simplified outdoor services at 10am on Sunday, June 7th at all of our physical locations. (Syracuse Campus contact Pastor Josh for details).
This decision was based in part from ongoing conversations with our community government leaders in conjunction with our understanding of the guidance given for NYS outdoor religious services.
These outdoor services will be less than an hour where one of our worship leaders will lead the outdoor meeting with a few songs, followed by a message from the campus pastor.
Here’s what you need to know:
- All outdoor gatherings are weather-permitting. If there is any potential for rain or severe weather, please check your email, the website or social media for cancellations before coming to service.
- There is no pressure to attend these special outdoor services being led by the campus pastor. In fact, we ask that you do not attend if you are uncomfortable or concerned with gathering at this time and/or if you fall into one of the clearly defined high risk categories as defined by the CDC and local health departments.
- All outdoor gatherings will be set up so we can easily practice social distancing in the large, well-ventilated outdoor area to ensure a high level of sanitation.
- Outside of your immediate family, please stay vigilant about maintaining social distancing guidelines (6ft).
- Face coverings are necessary when 6ft of social distancing is not possible. Please have your facial covering ready to go to help protect others.
- Air hugs and air high-fives, waves, and big smiles are encouraged as a substitute for hugs and handshakes.
- Each campus will direct you where to park and where to set up your lawn chair(s).
- This will be a BYOLC (Bring your own lawn chair) event for you and/your family. Please note there will not be any seating provided. Don’t forget any other outdoor supplies you may need! (i.e. sunscreen, bugspray, umbrellas, etc.)
- Bathrooms will be available for use for one family unit at a time.
- Depending on your campus all indoor and outdoor playgrounds will be closed.
- Youth & Children Services will continue to meet online only until further notice.
Let’s remember the church is a family, and we want to be considerate of all our brothers and sisters. As we gather outdoors we cannot stress enough how important it is to keep 6 feet apart and to wear your face mask when you are closer than 6 feet. In order for us to be able to gather together on an ongoing basis, please take these guidelines seriously. Whether you are meeting with us online or outdoors your well-being is a priority to us.
Please click below for an important message from Pastor Mike: https://www.facebook.com/mservello/videos/10158150788320155/