The mission of this ministry is to disciple individuals by teaching them to develop a relationship with Jesus, and live according to the teachings of His word. The efforts of the ministry begin with creating a safe environment for participants; while providing guidance for them to discover their God-given, gifts and talents. Our goal is to train individuals to develop their full potential in the Lord Jesus Christ, to create the opportunity for them to develop in His plan for their lives and enter service in the Body of Christ. By providing Biblical based teaching, accountability and mentorship, we intend to steer participants of the ministry toward transitioning into the fulfillment of their destiny and become contributing members of society through the practical application of their selected vocation as they become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive in Christ.
If you were to look up this ministry it would appear to be just an ordinary ministry, rather plain, certainly not fancy, and easily overlooked. But beyond the plain and ordinary lies something much to the contrary. To the people who call this ministry family, there is a vision. That vision is the united pursuit of Christ alone, who is the Way. It is in the Way of Christ these individuals are experiencing the transformational power of the gospel, the Truth. In the Truth of Christ, there is freedom from every sin issue allowing these individuals to live in Him who is the Life. This ministry strives to create and maintain true community through selfless transparency, welcoming Christ Himself to expose the heart and any hidden deception as His light ushers in Truth and freedom. Thus the souls of Ground Zero Ministries, in pursuing surrender daily to the simple gospel, believe that Christ has dealt the death blow of His love through the cross dismantling deception, destroying sin, and discarding shame. At the same time, Christ is restoring His image, His value, and His destiny within His children who NOW are empowered by grace to grow in His likeness and kingdom living.